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Best DIY Caramel Apple





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Best DIY Caramel Apple(圖1)-速報App

Caramel Apples are also called Toffee Apples, Taffy Apples and Candy Apples, all depending on where in the world you live and how gooey your caramel is. our caramel is easy to make, and it sticks really well to the apples. we usually dip them once, let them sit for a while on parchment paper and then dip them in again for extra thick coating.

After 30 minutes the caramel turns hard, but after 30 more minutes it is gooey – so it all depends on how you like your caramel.

If you store them at room temp the caramel stays gooey, if you on the other hand store them in the fridge the caramel stays hard.


6-8 apples

6-8 sticks

2 dl (3/4 cups) syrup, divided

Best DIY Caramel Apple(圖2)-速報App

115 g (1 stick) butter

2 dl (3/4 cups) sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt


- Place 1,25 dl (0,5 cup) of the syrup into a saucepan along with butter and sugar and stir until well combined

Best DIY Caramel Apple(圖3)-速報App

- Bring to boil and cook without stirring until thermometer reaches 140°C (275°F)

- Remove from heat and stir in remaining syrup, vanilla and salt

- Dip the apples in and let them rest on a sheet of non stick paper for 30 minutes

- Feel free to decorate your apples with nuts, crushed candy canes or popcorn. Simply press the garnish into the caramel while it is still hot.

Best DIY Caramel Apple(圖4)-速報App

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Best DIY Caramel Apple(圖5)-速報App